Category: Bodyweight Bootcamp

Bodyweight Bootcamp

I’m excited to share the last on the series of bodyweight exercises. You can find each one of the pasts posts here: Week 1Week 2Week 3.


“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” ~Psalm 139:14~

This past week I had the opportunity to contribute to Still Standing Magazine. This is a magazine to help grieving hearts, those struggling with child-loss and infertility. Writing has really served as a great aid in my healing. My heart in sharing Angelina’s story through writing  is that it can bring HOPE to hurting hearts. You can read more about Angelina’s story here:Angelina’s Story.

Working out during my grieving journey has really aided in my healing. It has served as such a healthy outlet and a way to process. We all workout for our each unique purposes. To release stress, for our health and maybe as a fun past time. Over the last few years in my life this discipline I had created in my life has served as much more than just a workout. It has provided an escape in which I can engage, process and move through grief.

Whatever unique reason you workout. I encourage you to get up and get moving with these bodyweight exercises. I am sharing two separate video’s today in this bodyweight bootcamp. This may have been a film blooper!

Video 1: Lateral Burpees (this can be modified by taking out the hops and stepping).  A few prerequisites for burpees: good trunk stability and perform deep squats with good form. The lateral burpee targets more of the adductors by adding a lateral hop.

Perform this exercise first for 30-45 seconds followed by the next two exercises in this post and take a 1-3 minute break and repeat 3-4x.

Video Two: The next two exercises are called Grasshoppers and Tuck Jumps. You can find a different way to incorporate grasshoppers here.  Common cues I have used in the past for any plank exercise is keeping the fingers spread wide to protect wrists, line your shoulders and hands up. Keep the hips tucked under to prevent from putting stress on your low back and keep your core tight. For tuck jumps keep a very strong core while performing jumps.


I start with a more modified version and then add intensity by adding a hop. I end here with tuck jumps.

I hope you enjoyed this series! What types of workouts would you like to see more of? I would like to finish my series I started last fall, OOPS! 🙂 called Adding Variety to your workout

Happy sweating and blessings,




Bodyweight Bootcamp

TGIF! I hope your week treated you well and you are gearing up for a fun weekend. This week I taught my classes and celebrated with my clients. I love watching them make the small steps to live a fit lifestyle. I made this smoothie yesterday after my last training session and it was so refreshing on such a hot day! You can find two other posts and a little more about bodyweight workouts here: Bodyweight Bootcamp Week 1 & Bodyweight Bootcamp Week 2

You can find the recipe on the Live Fit Women’s Fitness page: Live Fit Women’s Fitness Page

Stretching after our workout

This week was the second week that I offered a free fitness class at our local church. If you are interested in coming the next two weeks please contact or send me a quick message. We would love to have you join. You can find the details about that class here: Free Workout Class

I met with my massage therapist on Tuesday. Let me tell you she is not only awesome but highly educated in her field. I was reminded how much we all need to take the time to care for our bodies not only in the gym but after we workout. I meet with her a few times a year. Michele specializes in Neuromuscular therapy, Active Isolated Stretching, Mattes Method, and Neurokinetic Therapy. If your looking for a massage therapist or interested in learning more about the areas Michele specializes in you can find more out on her Facebook page: Michele L. Sanders, LMT 

I am going to share three quick and effective bodyweight exercises with you today. You can do this circuit anywhere and repeat it 4-8x’s. The first video is a modified level one bodyweight bootcamp and the video below it is a level 3 advanced video.



You can perform the exercise video below after a solid warm-up.

Perform each exercise all out for 20 seconds/rest 20 seconds repeat 4-8x

modified jacks (video 1) or jumping jacks (take out the hop to decrease intensity)
Wall sits(video 1) or squats (make sure that when your doing your wall sit your knee is in line with your hip and your quads are pararell to the floor) (When squating keep your chest tall, core tight and weight in heels)
wall push-aways (video 1) or push-ups (line up the shoulders and hands, keep your core tight and don’t let the hips sag) When you are at the wall for push-aways the closer you are to the wall the easier this exercise will be. The further away you are the harder this exercise will be. The same goes for the distance between your feet. The more narrow will make wall push-aways more intense.

Stretch 5-7 minutes

Look for a zucchini bread recipe on Tuesday. I have been picking fresh zucchini from my garden and want to share one of my favorite summer recipes with you. 

I’ll be posting these every Friday! Happy bootcamping! ​A special thanks to my oldest daughter who was my videographer today.

Bodyweight Bootcamp

Good Morning,

This summer is sure flying by, isn’t it. It’s Fri-YAY. You know what that means? The day that I give you three body weight workouts that you can do from the comfort of your yard, home and maybe while you’re laying by the pool.

I hope your holiday treated you well. Here I am running in a July 4th race and we celebrated afterward with some pool time, ribs, and fireworks.


July 4th Race 2017

I also had so much fun meeting up with the ladies that I workout with at a local gym and we got together and made homemade freezer jam. Strawberries are about out of season but you could still make some jelly with other types of fruit that are coming into season. I made both freezer jam (no cook) and regular strawberry jam.  I serve so many peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in this house that having the homemade jam is worth the effort and tastes pretty incredible. It’s a summer tradition and I was excited to share that tradition and help some ladies learn how easy and quick making (no cook) freezer jam is.  The difference between cooked jam is that you have to boil it with the pectin on the stove.With cooked jam you use the Ball canning jars and lids. (No cook) jam requires stirring in the pectin, freezer safe containers, and can be done in much less time. The Freezer jam can be stored for up to a year in the freezer. Canned jelly can be stored for a much longer duration.

We had lots of laughs and the kitchen was pretty gooey but it was well worth the mess afterwards! I use my homemade freezer jam and cooked jam in a lot of different ways. Below is a quick list of how I add a little flavor to different breakfast and dessert options.


Homemade Freezer Jam

  • I put the jam in plain chobani yogurt
  • In oatmeal
  • I substitute on pancakes instead of syrup
  • In Cottage cheese
  • On cheesecake
  • Peanut butter and jelly
  • On Ezekiel toast


I have also been on an oatmeal bowl kick lately. I add just about everything to my oatmeal. Below is a photo of homemade jam, coconut flakes, and chia seeds.


Oatmeal Bowl

Enough talk of food. I’m getting hungry. I hope these options help you come up with some new idea’s for breakfast to add into your morning meal rotation. Last week I talked about body weight exercises and you can read more information on them here: Bodyweight bootcamp

The video below is an advanced bodyweight bootcamp. You should be able to perform a side plank first in a modified position fifteen-thirty seconds before you begin bringing your arm under your body. You can start with wall push-aways or on your knee’s to bring down the intensity of the push-up and maintain good postural alignment through the exercises.

You can perform the exercise video below after a solid warm-up.

Side plank (hold 15 seconds, 3 reps of bringing your arm under with control)
3 push-up’s (wall push-aways or modified push-ups on your knee’s)
Side Plank (hold 15 seconds, 3 reps of bringing your arm under with control)
Return to plank and repeat 3-4x
Take a 1-2 minute break between each circuit
Stretch 5-7 minutes when you have completed this workout.

I’ll be posting these every Friday! Happy bootcamping! ​A special thanks to my hubby who is my videographer. Look for a post on Tuesday about an awsome success story I’ll be sharing about one of my clients.

If you are local check out my About Me tab and scroll down to Live Fit Ministry and Local Meeting Times. I’m offering a free workout class July 12, 19, 26 and August 2nd. If you want to get more information about this class please leave your information and I will contact you.


Bodyweight Bootcamp

Good morning!

I hope your summer is going spectacular. Isn’t it semi-crazy trying to fit workouts in during the summer months? Work, picnics, the pool and extra-curricular eve​​nts make it challenging to fit in your workouts.

I have been wanting to post a series for a while about bodyweight exercises. This bootcamp requires no equipment and can be done anywhere. Each week this summer I will post a short video. The bodyweight bootcamp will have three exercises  that make up the workout.

You can take this bodyweight bootcamp to the beach, baseball games and at the park.

What are bodyweight exercises? Bodyweight exercises can be done with your own bodyweight and no equipment is needed! Bodyweight exercises help develop strength, power, and stamina. These exercises improve your body’s ability to move with skill and efficiency. These exercises are beneficial when paired with interval training. Below are a few tips for mastering bodyweight exercises.

  • Start with foundational exercises first. Basic jumping jacks,planks, squats, mountain climbers, push up’s, and dips. I don’t suggest jumping in the jump squat in the video if you haven’t exercised recently. You could simply step each foot up and squat three times. Gain strength and form before you start adding high-impact to your body weight bootcamp.
  • Focus on your form. I can’t stress this enough. Know your body and your limits. When in high plank, spread your fingers wide to protect the wrists, keep your core tight, don’t let your hips sag and line your shoulders and hands.  Gradually increase the intensity and time your performing bodyweight exercises. You could start in a modified wall plank and progress to the ground, and perform plank on your knees.  when you feel ready perform a full plank you can then add in the taps and oblique exercises.
  • Consistency is the key in making progress. If you want to see results and progress in your workouts you have to remain consistent and gradually increase your workload over time. If you look back a month or even a few weeks you will start to see small progress in how long you can hold plank and your stamina increasing while performing squats and jumping jacks.
  • Check with a doctor before beginning any exercise program. Warm-up 5-7 minutes and cool-down stretch when you have completed the workout.
  • Maximum Interval Training- By: John Cissik and Jay Dawes was referenced and used when writing this post. 

The video below is an advanced bodyweight bootcamp. You should be able to perform a plank fifteen-thirty seconds before you begin tapping and twisting. In order to perform the bodyweight frog hop you should be able to perform a minimum of twenty bodyweight squats and maintain good postural alignment through the exercises.

You can perform the exercise video below after a solid warm-up.

  • 8 plank taps
  • 8 oblique twists
  • 3 frog hops
  • Return to plank and repeat 3-4x
  • Take a 1-2 minute break between each circuit

Stretch 5-7 minutes when you have completed this workout.

I’ll be posting these every Friday! Happy bootcamping! ​A special thanks to my hubby who is my videographer. I was gardening and decided to get a quick bodyweight bootcamp in!