Category: Motivation

Goal Setting

Goal Setting: How will you plan for success?img_6709

Good Afternoon,  If you are looking to set some goals this spring I want to share with you a few things about goal setting. Last week I talked about five tips to creating healthy habits. You can read more here: Developing Healthy Habits

When it comes to goal setting putting a plan of action into place will help with long-term success. If you are just starting out on this fitness journey you could just set some small achievable goals.


Small achievable goals: drink more water, walk three times a week, lift weights twice a week, a food journal, two days of cardio and don’t eat after 8pm.

Maybe measuring your progress sounds like a place you would want to start. Does competition motivate you? You might be more interested in goals that can be measured.


Measurable goals: sign-up for a race,  increase the weights slowly, start to work on core strength and then work on holding plank for a longer period of time, take progress photos and circumference measurements.

Having a fitness professional guide you through this process is helpful and they can safely plan and provide effective workouts and feedback.

Short-term goals happen within 4-6 weeks. They help keep us motivated and on track with our exercise program. Short-term goals lead us to our long-term goal. They should be challenging and use specific steps to propel us to our long-term goal. Long-term goals reflect what truly is important to us about our exercise journey. They guide the direction our fitness journey is going to take and show what we want to achieve during the process.

Think about a few short-term goals that you could aim for each week over the next six weeks. Think of one main long-term goal that you are aiming to achieve over time. Find a piece of paper and write it down. Hang it up somewhere in which you are going to see it often. 

I’m excited to kick-off an online boot camp this coming Monday. You can workout in the comfort of your home for thirty minutes a day and no equipment is required. I have only a few more spots available. If you would like more information about this bootcamp and how you can join please fill out the information below and I will be in contact with you in 24-48 hours.

I will be joining my bootcamp participants and we will be talking about goal setting. Over the next four to six weeks my short-term goals are: I plan on drinking more water, cutting out eating after 8pm, and eating to fuel my body not out of emotion. Long-Term: I want to get back into healthier eating patterns and not yo-yo back and forth. While it’s alright to celebrate and have days where I am off track I’d like to stay back on track with my eating during the week.

I think one of my other goals is training for a 5k. Maybe I’ll share my training with you soon! Happy Sweating ❤


Photo Credit: Easterday Creative




Five Steps to Developing Healthy Habits

Good Morning,

Last weekend was so much fun celebrating the new baby that is due soon in our family. Below are a few pictures from the shower.  I was able to order the favor boxes off I always have spare mason jars around from home canning I grabbed a few and made up these vases. I just bought some ribbon and a few fancy flowers and hot glued them on. A great way to dress up a mason jar for mother’s day or a special occasion. img_6645 We ordered these beautiful flower arrangements from . I hope your weekend is off to a good start and today I am going to list my five steps to developing healthy habits. img_6643When it comes to developing healthy habits we all cringe in our seats. It’s a process to say the least. It isn’t going to happen over night and I’m sharing these five steps to developing healthy habits as a guide. It won’t go exactly as planned or look perfect but each person has a unique and personal journey as they aspire to wellness.


  1. Change is scary. The first step to creating healthier habits is to leave the fear of failing on the wayside. This will hinder you from reaching your full potential. Sure you will mess up along the way but use the setbacks and failures as stepping-stones to the future success of creating, maintaining and carrying out life-long healthy habits.
  2. It takes time to create and form new healthy habits. It’s not going to happen in four days or a week. We first have to target the unhealthy habits in our lives and get to the root of why we first started them. Understanding the cycle will help us have victory of laying down these life sucking habits and replacing new life-giving habits in their place.
  3. Find an accountability partner to help you. Call up your best friend and ask them if they want to join you. Or, ask them to hold you accountable by a phone call at the beginning and end of each week. When you have to be accountable to someone it makes the things you are trying to accomplish become more meaningful and real. Having an accountability partner there to build you back up when you fall and celebrate when you meet milestones on your journey makes this fitness ride that much more beautiful.
  4. Log you journey. Buy a journal and track your progress and how your feeling. You can go back along the way and see how far you have come.
  5. Set one long-term goal and a short-term goal each week over the next six weeks. The smaller steps will help to propel toward your long-term goal.

When you start doubting yourself or getting anxiety about starting a healthier lifestyle don’t be afraid to make your request known to God. Let him know the desires of your heart and seek him first for help. It’s so easy to try and do these things in our own control but God wants to sustain us and walk right alongside us on this journey.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

– Philippians 4:6

When I work with clients it’s such a beautiful process as they start to transform their life to living a more fit lifestyle. This discipline from the gym then carries over into faith, family, relationships and career goals. I would love to help you live a healthier life and put these tips into practice.

On March 19th I am gearing up to kick-off an online body weight bootcamp. You can workout in the comfort of your home for thirty minutes a day and no equipment is required.  I have only seven spots available. If you would like more information about this bootcamp and how you can join please fill out the information below and I will be in contact with you in 24-48 hours.

Have a great week, Next week I will be talking about short-term and long-term goals. I am going to share with you my spring short-term and summer long-term goals.